Viewer 5 Changelog 🚀
1.26.2 (2025-02-19)​
Bug Fixes​
- deps: update dependency @google/model-viewer to v4 9ac29f7
- deps: update dependency @google/model-viewer to v4 (#1667) bb05a1c
- only escape query params for AR urls 8e608ff
1.26.1 (2025-01-21)​
Bug Fixes​
- exclude-frames: reset viewer when going back to default 7968279
1.26.0 (2025-01-10)
- add new dimension shot label named "Description" 3dc32ad
1.25.4 (2025-01-07)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix 'Missing code' console.error showing up when it shouldn't c51c7ee
1.25.3 (2024-12-20)​
Bug Fixes​
- add console.error debounce 8571f77
1.25.2 (2024-12-09)​
Bug Fixes​
- thumbnail-bar: fix custom thumbnail-bar pointer events d57ff8d
- thumbnail-bar: fix custom thumbnail-bar pointer events (#1689) 775aa76
1.25.1 (2024-12-05)​
Bug Fixes​
- model: fix touch scrolling interfering with the 3d model 5e039a0
- viewer: fix 360 mode allignment on touchscreen, in gallery mode b09d053
- viewer: fix 3D model on touchscreen, on gallery mode 449e49e
- viewer: fix gallery 360 when transitioning from mouse to touchscreen 5f76ef4
- viewer: fix gallery mode's 360 placeholder not updating on feature change a89aebf
- viewer: fix gallery mode's 360 placeholder not updating on feature change (#1687) 6b25dc6
- viewer: switch between touch and mouse mode now occurs on pointer move 573d715
1.25.0 (2024-12-02)
Bug Fixes​
- deps: update dependency @mdx-js/react to v3.1.0 1b831cf
- deps: update dependency @mdx-js/react to v3.1.0 (#1657) 39a2c1e
- fix linting errors 3e1b051
- fix linting errors in core a6c790c
- fix linting errors in lite 69f6acc
- fix linting errors in shared 5c39229
- gallery-mode: width of quickshot and external media items 6f8fa69
- remove any type ceed6bf
- remove debug flag b4daadc
- turn off robots.txt audit check 8e98803
- viewer: Fix first zoom (#1672) a26be9b
- viewer: Fix touch interactions on desktop aa72832
- viewer: Fix touch interactions on desktop (#1683) cc7089d
- viewer: Remove a useless attribute in the zoom placeholder url cf5c1fb
- viewer: the viewer now waits for the zoom package to be loaded before animating the zoom f6b92b1
- external-media: add zoomable attribute 6cfa93c
1.24.0 (2024-10-09)
Bug Fixes​
- analytics: move the loaded event listener to shadow root e48cf37
- quickshot: add a default originalDimensions value for local config 31b6601
- viewer: fallback to english when translated messages are not provided 19f9bc2
1.23.0 (2024-09-19)
Bug Fixes​
- deps: update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2.4.0 6bd9101
- deps: update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2.4.0 (#1588) b72aaf2
- add external media component 081b71c
- cylindo-external-media: add original-dimensions support ca5a2f1
1.22.0 (2024-09-12)
- trigger release c13c524
- trigger release (#1604) de474d3
1.21.0 (2024-09-12)
Bug Fixes​
- deps: update dependency @google/model-viewer to v3.5.0 c44156e
- deps: update dependency @google/model-viewer to v3.5.0 (#1509) df57b91
- rename product content web component 965a9e3
- wrong dimension for thumb crop de1e3e7
- wrong thumb on load 971e662
- add thumbnail crop for product content 1be1424
1.20.2 (2024-08-30)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix 360 zoom after rotating 16eb91e
1.20.1 (2024-08-27)​
Bug Fixes​
- deps: update react monorepo to v18.3.1 fbe79e4
- deps: update react monorepo to v18.3.1 (#1510) 9126c71
- error handling on 360 3734b7b
- thumbnail-bar: fix staticContent thumbnail 964a37b
Performance Improvements​
- internal release of new components for the CMS 148c688
- refactor core and improve test coverage 1233dfb
1.20.0 (2024-07-15)
Bug Fixes​
- add new attributes that bypasses gtag b5aa7ea
- viewer: Fix first trackpad pinch-to-zoom / ctrl+wheel zoom not working 3372805
- viewer: fix pinch-to-zoom not zooming on the appropriate target bb46b9d
- viewer: fix pixelRatio not updating on screen change 7095f72
- viewer: fix switch to desktop mode not working ee4f02e
- viewer: fix zoom animation acting unexpectedly 369cbbc
- viewer: Add zoom-levels attribute f01d705
1.19.1 (2024-07-02)​
Bug Fixes​
- analytics events are being sent with missing information f9be7ae
- model-viewer: loader alignment 8aa3304
- model-viewer: loader alignment (#1445) 3ec1c51
- Use instead of 6136665
- viewer: Fix spin, loaded and engaged analytics event not being fired at the right moment 274e63e
1.19.0 (2024-06-07)
Bug Fixes​
- full screen: viewer will exist fullscreen on initialization 411fc68
- full screen: viewer will exit fullscreen on initialisation (#1427) d880532
- viewer: Fix the thumbnail-bar not updating when an item changes 27b0598
- viewer: fix zoom on custom content bb85394
- viewer: add zoom support to 3d models 7b6c28e
- Revert "allow panning on model zoom" 964fbea
1.18.0 (2024-05-22)
- viewer: add thumbnail-crop attribute to cylindo-swatch 3469fd6
- viewer: add thumbnail-crop attribute to cylindo-swatch (#1419) 78caf83
1.17.0 (2024-05-21)
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: add some tolerance to the controls attribute validation 894fc07
- viewer: apply remove-environment-shadow attribute value to the thumbnail 360-frame image e3f261b
- viewer: apply remove-environment-shadow attribute value to the thumbnail 360-frame image (#1399) 9bfcd98
- swatch: add attribute to configure how material swatches are displayed b1d42b0
- Revert "factorize optional string" 9eb050e
- Revert "slight bundle size reduction" 4aae1fa
1.16.1 (2024-05-02)​
Bug Fixes​
- change external studio feature stripping b0c4123
1.16.0 (2024-04-24)
Bug Fixes​
- Analytics: prevent analytics payload from being undefined d8de87a
- swatch: prevent bad pinch-in zoom behavior 1ba1908
- allow passing canBeZoomedIn via remote config 4fc50a3
- enable zoom for swatches 1ee49ad
1.15.1 (2024-03-26)​
Bug Fixes​
- thumbnail-bar: fix an issue when thumbnail-bar wouldn't load b73afb1
- thumbnail-bar: fix thumbnail-bar skeleton on remote configs bb918ec
- viewer: fix 360-frame thumbnail overflowing e606ba6
- viewer: fix 360-frame thumbnail overflowing (#1355) 4860b0a
- viewer: fix visual glitch during the loading of a remote config 70c1765
1.15.0 (2024-03-21)
Bug Fixes​
- emit spin event after animation is complete 9284634
- emit spin events only after frame changes due to rotation 5cf32a9
- viewer: fix external attribute not being parsed properly 51ce1b5
- viewer: fix external attribute not being parsed properly (#1349) 4042a9d
- Events: add events for 360 spin start and end a2ce028
- Events: add events for 360 spin start and end 926211c
- Events: add features-canceled event 1041771
- Events: add features-canceled event 99e89b0
1.14.0 (2024-03-19)
Bug Fixes​
- 8 and 4 frames products 816dccb
- exclude tests from ar build 0d672b9
- viewer: fix an issue when the wrong item was selected when going fullscreen cb6660d
- AR: dispatch error event on AR error 05a80f4
- AR: dispatch error event on when AR file could not be located, otherwise emit AR file path e6ccf79
1.13.0 (2024-03-05)
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix thumbnail-bar initialization on defaut configuration c359528
- swatch: allowing passing group-members to cylindo-swatch element e324c77
1.12.0 (2024-03-04)
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix an issue where the thumbnail bar was loaded before t… (#1325) 656e4c2
- viewer: fix an issue where the thumbnail bar was loaded before the viewer 00ae6f8
- viewer: fix scrolling not being smooth on first item click 38207b9
- viewer: fix selected thumbnail-bar item not showing active 4f3a4ae
- viewer: fix selected thumbnail-bar item not showing active (#1327) c0846b5
- viewer: fix thumbnail-bar initialization delay 1829036
- viewer: fix viewer not firing 'loaded' event on custom content ef4aaea
- viewer: fix viewer not firing 'loaded' event on custom content (#1330) 753bbd0
- add new property to studio item b8735ab
1.11.3 (2024-02-28)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix items being unselected when transitionning to fullscreen 7611468
- viewer: fix items being unselected when transitionning to fullscreen (#1321) 837f0ac
1.11.2 (2024-02-27)​
Bug Fixes​
- 360: use frame index instead when frames are excluded 9b1aedd
1.11.1 (2024-02-22)​
Bug Fixes​
- deps: update dependency @emotion/react to v11.11.3 2a9a947
- deps: update dependency @emotion/react to v11.11.3 (#1263) e585740
- deps: update dependency @mui/material to v5.15.7 8b7c4da
- deps: update dependency @mui/material to v5.15.7 (#1282) d4f8efe
- deps: update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2.3.1 2e82467
- deps: update dependency prism-react-renderer to v2.3.1 (#1283) 24e5a0e
- deps: update dependency regenerator-runtime to v0.14.1 67019c4
- deps: update dependency regenerator-runtime to v0.14.1 (#1284) 4d7710c
- deps: update docusaurus monorepo to v2.4.3 d6c3af1
- deps: update docusaurus monorepo to v2.4.3 (#1264) f1e4bb4
- viewer: Fix the 360 not appearing on mobile, on gallery mode 3be37d9
- viewer: Fix the 360 not appearing on mobile, on gallery mode (#1304) 3a794fa
- Revert "Remove shopify e2e test" 109f645
1.11.0 (2024-01-29)
- styling: add a part for the inner viewer 63cbb68
1.10.2 (2023-12-19)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: add error message for when customerId or code is missing 6df9a22
- viewer: background property to inherit c3467cc
- viewer: fix thumbnail bar not centering on the selected item when swiping 40a5a21
1.10.1 (2023-11-24)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix thumbnail items shrinking on mobile 89d805a
- viewer: fix thumbnail items shrinking on mobile (#1207) b5ff2c8
1.10.0 (2023-11-16)
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix zoom freezing while pinch-to-zooming on tablet cd2c73b
- viewer: fix zoom freezing while pinch-to-zooming on tablet (#1201) 462f6b9
- viewer: scale thumbnail item with the button size 69d3c36
- viewer: add the item-skeleton part to the thumbnail-bar element 8800fec
1.9.1 (2023-11-07)​
Bug Fixes​
- zoom: flashing on initial zoom 3223f74
1.9.0 (2023-11-06)
Bug Fixes​
- accessibility: add missing labels to navigation buttons ffa8370
- fullscreen safari: 360 model size is smaller bcad787
- fullscreen safari: 360 model size is smaller (#1189) 4b6a1b8
- low resolution when switching to fullscreen f4ae286
- low resolution when switching to fullscreen (#1192) 62a9bff
- placeholder: avoid loading default placeholder image when another placeholder was used c54c312
- placeholder: avoid preloading placeholder images before dimensions are set 069e0de
- revert "Feature/improve placeholder preloading" (#1179) 29ab9ec
- viewer: add a minimum height for the zoom buttons to show up 0d8c83c
- viewer: fix downresize issue 3c35bd0
- viewer: fix downresize issue (#1181) bfdf875
- viewer: fix gallery mode item initial selection issue on some browsers 1b15ad6
- viewer: force iOS fullscreen mode on iPads running iOS >= 17.0 dd52ea3
- placeholder: wait for first frame to load before replacing placeholder 77a0bf5
Performance Improvements​
- internal: add unique package to use with cms 1fd11e7
- internal: features for cms 70d8982
- internal: features for cms (#1186) 24079fa
- remove internal flag for the cms af7e693
- remove internal flag for the cms (#1174) d0350b9
- Revert "add cypress component testing" 2e89853
- Revert "experiment to disable gtag and sentry" 43a2cba
1.8.3 (2023-10-18)​
Bug Fixes​
- validation: type error 7d42d67
- viewer: fix fullscreen background issue on android 4301af5
- viewer: fix fullscreen background issue on android (#1160) da76af2
- zoom: add the ability to remove focus visible 8744094
1.8.2 (2023-10-17)​
Bug Fixes​
- SEO: Add accessibility labels for icon only buttons 9da3523
- SEO: Add missing alt attribute on img tags 307a63c
- validation error msg 4f03015
- validation error msg (#1144) 5050b48
- viewer: fix a gallery mode bug when the wrong item was selected first 0d8772f
- viewer: touch mode is now enabled when device supports at least 2 touch points 138dceb
1.8.1 (2023-09-29)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: add --legacy-browser-aspect-ratio css variable
- viewer: configure browserlist
- viewer: remove Safari 13 support (for webp support)
- thumbnail-bar: fix thumbnail-bar items on iOS <=14
1.8.0 (2023-09-28)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix side effect on the 360 component
- viewer: force failsafe fullscreen mode on iPads & desktop-mode iPhones
- viewer: replace userAgent detection by feature detection
- viewer: add zoom for custom elements
1.7.0 (2023-09-21)​
- FAB: additional parts for FAB
1.6.1 (2023-09-15)​
Bug Fixes​
- Viewer: remove largest size for memory concerns
- Viewer: revert quality to capi default
- Viewer: fix full screen mode on safari
- Viewer: Avoid resizing viewer on small changes in dimension
- viewer: fix black background when leaving fullscreen mode
- viewer: fix document.exitFullscreen not working on safari <16.4
- viewer: fix fullscreen exit on iPhones
- viewer: remove forgotten check
- thumbnail-bar: add alt attribute to thumbnail bar items
- zoom: fix double click bubbling on safari
1.6.0 (2023-09-08)​
Bug Fixes​
- QR: align QR code on Safari
- AR: added banners for AR experience
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: fix pinch to zoom flickering
- viewer: fix 3d model in fullscreen view
- viewer: fix feature codes casing handling
- viewer: load package before showing the modal
- viewer: remove forgotten code
- zoom: fix chrome flickers and swatch swap
1.5.0 (2023-08-16)​
- AR: allow attempts to open AR from external sources
- capi: add ignore unknown features flag
- QR: dispatch custom event containing QR code image URL
1.4.1 (2023-08-11)​
Bug Fixes​
- thumbnail-bar: fix scrollTo item
1.4.0 (2023-08-10)​
Bug Fixes​
- thumbnail bar: fix undefined variable bug
- viewer: force fullscreen toggle to show on fullscreen mode when controls are disabled
- ios: add fullscreen z-index as css variable
- QR: allow disabling of the default QR modal
1.3.0 (2023-08-08)​
- viewer: add qr modal customisation
- viewer: use average between width and height to determine size
1.2.0 (2023-08-02)​
Bug Fixes​
- disabled buttons: add outline as a css variable
- viewer: fix fullscreen api when no control is displayed
- zoom: remove white lines
- viewer: add fulscreen triggers to api
1.1.2 (2023-07-28)​
Bug Fixes​
- viewer: add missing event handler
1.1.1 (2023-07-27)​
Bug Fixes​
- add frames with error to the store
- add internal module to the gobal store
- AR button is always shown
- disable prompt when cms is passed
- error fallback
1.1.0 (2023-07-17)​
Bug Fixes​
- custom-content: show custom content in thumbnail-bar
- swatch: fallback to the viewer's customer id
- disable rate limiting breaking the build
- encoding code and filenames
- no model scaling when in AR
- pixelated thumbs
- remove edit link
- separate large screens
- wrong encoding for feature options
- capi: add quality and format as an attribute
- programmatic zoom improvements with docs